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Wanted: Pre-columbian domesticates

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:47 am
by Jason
Good day

South African collector (botanist) looking for the following species. Small pups, with locality data if at all possible: Agave delamateri, A. phillipsiana, A. sanpedroensis, A. verdensis and A. yavapaiensis. A. murpheyii I do have already.

I have written to Desert Botanical Gardens and have yet to get a response, and have ordered seed of the last two from RarePalmSeeds, but it will take some time to receive these (if they don't get lost in the post, which happens).

Happy to pay fair prices with an invoice, or make another arrangement, and have a shipping address for a colleague in the USA who is assisting me on the export/import stuff.