Origins of Aloe ‘Lode’s Yellow’

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Caleb Jones
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Aug 22, 2024 3:29 pm
USDA Zone: 8b

Origins of Aloe ‘Lode’s Yellow’


Post by Caleb Jones »

Hello fellow Aloe enthusiasts. My name is Caleb Jones. Several months ago I uncovered the story of Aloe ‘Lode’s Yellow’ from the website of a wholesale nursery in California, named San Marcos Growers.

Since then, I have spoken with the man who accidentally created this hybrid without even knowing it (he found out years later)…

You can read the story yourself by searching “San Marcos Growers Lode’s Yellow” but I will quote a portion here:

“ We first received this plant unidentified from a plant growing in a Santa Barbara garden that had come from plantsman and CSSA journal editor Tim Harvey, who raised it from seed received as Aloe porphyrostachys ssp. koenenii from French world traveler, author and plant explorer Joel Lode.”

So, according to San Marcos Growers, this seed was received as Aloe Koenenii but flowered a yellow flower, unlike Aloe Konenii which flowers red-orange.

They have it labeled as a potential hybrid involving Aloe Konenii on their website.

I have since then discovered the true origins, but am still not sure what to do with this information.

I have received permission from Joël Lodé (the creator of this hybrid) to share the story and the unpublished books he shared with me.

If anybody is interested then let me know, and if anybody could help me get this hybrid and its origins described in detail I would really appreciate it.

Thank you,
Caleb Jones.
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