Beaucarnea Propagation/Offshoots

Use this forum to discuss matters relating to Beaucarnea, Calibanus, Cordyline, Dasylirion, Dracaena, Nolina, Sansevieria and related species.

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Beaucarnea Propagation/Offshoots


Post by BronxFatty »

Subject: Propagation of Beaucarnea (recuvata, stricta, etc.) from offshoots:

Question: Will rooted offshoots, side branches, or sprouts w/leaves, that were cut off and taken from either the side growths coming off the main stem, or from the top of base/caudex, over time, produce a typical caudex or a ball-shaped base, or.... will the future growth just produce a thickened, tapered mainstem?

Just asking.
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