Pereskia grandifolia var violacea

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Pereskia grandifolia var violacea


Post by Jkwinston »

This is a variety of the 'Grandifolia species' which I have come across, and of course it is native to Brazil. Tend to be shorter than the popular form. And the photos are from Bodighera in Italy. Jkw
Pallanca Garden, Italy
Pallanca Garden, Italy
IMG_9587n.jpg (398.91 KiB) Viewed 62 times
Pallanca Garden, Italy
Pallanca Garden, Italy
IMG_9594.JPG (427.12 KiB) Viewed 62 times
Pallanca Garden, Italy
Pallanca Garden, Italy
IMG_9595.JPG (414.59 KiB) Viewed 62 times
Pallanca Garden, Italy
Pallanca Garden, Italy
DSCN0041x.jpg (150.15 KiB) Viewed 62 times
Pallanca Garden, Italy
Pallanca Garden, Italy
IMG_3036xx.jpg (327.57 KiB) Viewed 62 times
Pallanca Garden, Italy
Pallanca Garden, Italy
IMG_2717.JPG (449.91 KiB) Viewed 62 times
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