Sansevieria trifasciata 'Yellowstone'

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Sansevieria trifasciata 'Yellowstone'


Post by meridannight »

As many are aware, this plant has actually been reclassified under 'Dracaena' genus now, so it should be Dracaena trifasciata 'Yellowstone', but since all the related plants are still listed under 'Sansevieria' here I will list it as such.

'Yellowstone' is a beautiful variety with lemon yellow leaves with dark green midstriping.
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Species I'm growing from seed: Agave nizandensis, Agave difformis, Agave parryi, Agave schidigera, Aloe alooides, Aloe manandonae, Aloe dhufarensis, Aloe barbara-jeppeae, Hyophorbe verschaffeltii, Kerriodoxa elegans, Johannesteijsmannia altifrons, Chrysalidocarpus leptocheilos, Licuala grandis.
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