Jatropha cuneata

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Jatropha cuneata


Post by Gee.S »

Found thousands of these yesterday at Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge in SW Arizona. Gorgeous plant generally considered quite rare in the US. Have still never seen 'em leafed out.

Jatropha cuneata
Jatropha cuneata
Ajo_West 018.JPG (549.22 KiB) Viewed 114 times
Jatropha cuneata
Jatropha cuneata
Ajo_West 023.JPG (530.86 KiB) Viewed 114 times
Jatropha cuneata
Jatropha cuneata
Ajo_West 027.JPG (484.52 KiB) Viewed 114 times
Jatropha cuneata
Jatropha cuneata
Ajo_West 042.JPG (430.29 KiB) Viewed 114 times
Jatropha cuneata
Jatropha cuneata
Ajo_West 047.JPG (659.42 KiB) Viewed 114 times
Jatropha cuneata
Jatropha cuneata
Ajo_West 049.JPG (541.62 KiB) Viewed 114 times
Jatropha cuneata
Jatropha cuneata
Ajo_West 190.JPG (549.68 KiB) Viewed 114 times
"American aloe plant," 1797, from Greek Agaue, proper name in mythology (mother of Pentheus), from agauos "noble," perhaps from agasthai "wonder at".

"Some talk the talk, others walk the walk, but I stalk the stalk"
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