Dunking plant in alcohol to kill mealies?

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Dunking plant in alcohol to kill mealies?


Post by nsp88 »

This reel was suggested on my Instagram and it has me wondering if this could be done with alcohol to kill mealy bugs. Has anyone ever tried completely dunking a potted plant into alcohol? I have sprayed and dipped the top halves of plants into alcohol and the plants survive (sometimes it causes a little bit of damage/ugliness and sometimes it doesn't do anything). I googled it, and some of the results said that alcohol being taken up by the roots can cause dehydration. Is that a problem with succulents though since they store so much water? And what if I completely flushed the soil with fresh water after the alcohol?

About a year ago I brought home a few sedums from a nursery and put them in my indoor grow rack. A couple months later mealies were all over them. Every time I think I get rid of them a few months later I'll see one or two again. I thought I had finally defeated them this time as I haven't seen any in quite a while, but then I've seen about three of them over the past 2 or 3 weeks. I don't love using harsh pesticides and then bringing them back in the house, so recently I've just been squirting them with alcohol but I would like to do a more thorough and hopefully complete eradication. I'm wondering if they are surviving in the soil since I've completely soaked the top half of the plants in alcohol. Or maybe eggs are surviving on the plant rack or something - maybe I need to spray that as well.

Just Trying to consider other options and seeing if anyone has any experience with trying that. Thanks!
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Re: Dunking plant in alcohol to kill mealies?


Post by Gee.S »

They're only on potted plants? Poison them with any number of pesticides. The above remedy appears to target root mealies. Is that what you have going on?

Read about mealies in the Reference section, and you'll see why this will probably not be a one and done.
"American aloe plant," 1797, from Greek Agaue, proper name in mythology (mother of Pentheus), from agauos "noble," perhaps from agasthai "wonder at".

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Re: Dunking plant in alcohol to kill mealies?


Post by nsp88 »

Yeah, they are only on some plants in pots on my grow rack indoors. Thankfully they they only seem to like a handful of the plants and ignore the rest. I didn't know if the eggs were ever laid in or fell onto the soil is why I was considering dunking. I had heard the term "root mealies" but I didn't realize they were a different critter until you mentioned it and I just googled it. I will check for them, but I don't think so. Okay, thanks. Was hoping someone had tried a full alcohol dunk with more success, but guess I will have to use the big guns. I just hate bringing plants indoors after spraying with nasty stuff.
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Re: Dunking plant in alcohol to kill mealies?


Post by Gee.S »

Maybe use Malathion, it has a very short half-life. You'll probably need to do it a few times.
"American aloe plant," 1797, from Greek Agaue, proper name in mythology (mother of Pentheus), from agauos "noble," perhaps from agasthai "wonder at".

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Re: Dunking plant in alcohol to kill mealies?


Post by nsp88 »

K, thanks! I was about to re-pot everything. Guess I will spray first, give it a bit of time after spraying, and then change or bake the soil when I re-pot for good measure.
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