Nolina cismontana
Moderator: Spination
Forum rules
This section is dedicated toward maintaining one active thread for each Dracaenaceae species/subspecies/variety/cultivar. Please feel free to add information and/or photos to existing threads or start your own by adding Genus/species as the thread subject. Note that listings are displayed alphabetically. Enjoy!
This section is dedicated toward maintaining one active thread for each Dracaenaceae species/subspecies/variety/cultivar. Please feel free to add information and/or photos to existing threads or start your own by adding Genus/species as the thread subject. Note that listings are displayed alphabetically. Enjoy!
- Meangreen94z
- Ready to Bolt
- Posts: 5257
- Joined: Thu May 31, 2018 2:04 pm
- Location: Austin, TX
- USDA Zone: 8B
Nolina cismontana
A Nolina from Southern California, that eventually forms a small trunk. Credit pictures to iNaturalist.
Austin, Texas